Monday, June 22, 2020

"Starts With Our 8-Legged Friend the Weaver" Timothy Isle Even Spider Need Love

"Starts With Our 8-Legged Friend the Weaver" Timothy Isle
Even Spider Need Love

A while back was sitting at my desk in the evening hours and was reminded me of my grandmother in a song. Apparently at midnight you can hear through the voice of the machine her whispers of weaving destiny for a midnight cup of coffee just to get through the night.

Spiders have been falling from heaven lately and according to some folk traditions it means change is occurring, money is coming, and blessings abound and good fortune. To some the belief is held we should not harm these creatures. Apparently they represent all that is Karmic and cosmological in relationship to the great cycle: we can substitute the number eight.

Although we strive toward greatness; and it's always an interesting reminder of or past loved ones. It's a reminded to leave a purposeful life full of excitement and wonder and to weave our own webs and build a life for ourselves with meaning. Also, it indicates it's always okay to have a midnight cup of something simple to get us by, to pick up where we leave off (our webs we take down and build), i.e. our personal relationships and always move forward.

"Starts With Our 8-Legged Friend the Weaver" Timothy Isle Even Spider Need Love

"Starts With Our 8-Legged Friend the Weaver" Timothy Isle Even Spider Need Love

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